Better Posture = Better Mood

blog post mondays Dec 19, 2022
Women doing Pilates on Pilates equipment in a Pilates studio in Mission, San Francisco

Did you know that posture affects mood? It's true! In one research study, researchers discovered that study-participants with stooped posture had more negative thoughts compared to participants with straight/ controlled-for posture. The study notes:

"Experimental research has confirmed that bodily postures can indeed have a direct effect on emotional processing. For example, when people are led to adopt a straight posture and smile, they are faster at retrieving positive (compared to negative) autobiographical memories" (Riskind, 1984). 

It is also widely known and generally accepted that exercise stimulates the release of feel-good endorphins into the body. Ever wonder why you tend to feel more energized and less stressed after you move? You have your answer!

It's no wonder that we often hear our clients say things such as:

  • Pilates feels meditative 
  • I always leave Pilates feeling taller and feeling so much better 
  • Pilates makes me happy 

Keegan often turns to Pilates and movement when she needs a positivity boost and stress release. Read about how Keegan manages holiday overwhelm with movement:

I'm known as the resident Queen of Negativity at PiC. I'm also known for a surprise boost of full body positivity, which I like to prepare people for with, "let me put on my positivity tiara." I won't admit it often, but I'm sensitive and highly affected by our local and global state of affairs. While the spirit of the season should inspire us to feel gratitude and goodwill towards our fellow humans, the turmoil of the last few years has my nervous system on overdrive. It’s really hard to tap into those jolly and merry feelings, and (speaking of 👑 tiaras) all I really want is to Let It Go.

For anyone out there having a challenging time coming to terms with the state of the world amidst the upcoming holiday season – I see you; I understand. 

Doing Pilates probably won’t change what you read in the news or prevent your flight from being delayed but, Pilates can make the physical and emotional burdens of life just a wee bit easier to bear. Pilates exposes the body to physical acts of vulnerability and has taught me that through vulnerability, we find our strength (and our perfect Elsa hair flip, too). Working to open the chest can feel particularly vulnerable; after all, we are exposing our very vital organs. However, releasing the chest is a great antidote for holiday hustle & bustle, relieving stress and untangling all that tension in the neck, upper spine, and shoulders. A few minutes of feel-good movement can usually lift my spirits, and I’m excited to share my Positivity Tiara with all of you!

Read Keegan's bio here! Want to learn more from Keegan about the mood boosting power of Pilates? Book a session with her here!

By: Destinie Slavich and Keegan Hafner