Sunday Newsletter: 2022.09.25

sunday newsletters Sep 25, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

Do you ever find yourself at your desk working and all of a sudden notice that your shoulders are touching your ear lobes? Gosh, tension can be such a creep! The same thing can happen in your Pilates practice. Holding tension in the body is a movement compensation. The nice thing about compensations though is that a pair of good eyes can see them and a well-developed body sense can feel them.

This week’s classes are all about learning to sense where your body is holding tension and letting it go with one big breath.

Monday, September 29th @ 12PM with Destinie:
Today’s class begins with both a standing and supine body assessment; no better way to assess your body for excess tension than standing up and against gravity and laying flat in gravity’s force. Can static assessment of tension help us move with more ease?

Wednesday, September 28th @ 8AM with Destinie:
Grab Bag! Last week we addressed sore glutes and tight hips. We learned that one glute may be more sore than the other and explored why this can happen. Keep up the great requests - they help mat class serve your needs!

Friday, September 30th @12PM with Nicole:
Today we’ll focus on 3 common areas people hold stress. Starting with a supine body assessment to learn how stuck stress might present itself in the body, we’ll then use Pilates exercises like a movement massage to release tension. Ending class with a reassessment to bring awareness to the healing power of movement.