Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.03

sunday newsletters Jul 03, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

As much as we try to avoid it, we all sit for multiple hours a day. Point the finger at modern society! But do you know what sitting does to the body? It’s absolutely cringe worthy! Chances are, if you’re reading this email, you already have an anti-sitting routine - your Pilates practice;) This week’s themes are all about getting the sitting out of your mind and out of your body.

Monday 7/4 @ 12PM with Destinie:
Get excited - today’s class will involve more standing than usual, which means, exploring the very things we stand on - our feet. But what exactly stands on our feet and how do we create a better relationship between the feet and everything stacked on top of them? Bring your hand towel to class.

Wednesday 7/6 @ 8AM with Destinie:
Grab Bag. Come live with a request or a question to explore on the spot!

Friday 7/8 @ 12PM with Nicole:
Do you understand vertical? Today we will use our good friend “the wall” to help you understand if you really are standing up straight, and what is meant by weight bearing in the arms. So grab your mat and find a smooth wall you can stand up against.

If you can’t make it live to class, sign up and we’ll send you a recording!

See you on the mat!