Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.31

sunday newsletters Jul 31, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

Let’s step back in time for a moment – do you remember the SATs and those towering stacks of vocabulary flashcards that you begrudgingly memorized one by one? Not fun; 4/10 would not recommend it.
Pilates has a steep learning curve: you need to learn the choreography, know where specific muscles are, and execute different joint movements while taking a deep breath. But Pilates class should feel nothing like studying for the SATs, so this week’s themes are all about bringing clarity to some common movement terms sans flashcards. These terms help us teach you better and help your nervous system better anticipate movements.
When our brains anticipate movements more clearly our internal cues strengthen.

Monday 8/1 @12PM with Destinie
In today’s class we play Simon Says! Simon says flex your elbow. Simon says extend your shoulder (ooo, tricky one). Simon says engage your rectus (your what?!). Let’s have fun with movement terms; the brain likes experiential learning!

Wednesday 8/3 @8AM with Destinie
Grab Bag! Last week we got a great request - “make my legs feel alive.” It’s invigorating to get a request like that!

Friday 8/5 @12PM with Nicole
Does Spine Stretch come before or after the ab series? This week you’ll experience the one rep mat, to help you internalize the Beg/Int. Mat order. Bring a towel, this class will turn your internal shower into a full on storm.