Several classical Mat exercises, including rolling-like-a-ball, open-leg rocker, boomerang, seal, and crab involve rolling along the spine and are often cued as "spinal massages."
How do we safely benefit from these spinal massages when rolling backward and forward on your back brings in up the question, “Am I going to hurt my low back?”
Spinal massages demand abdominal engagement to maintain posterior pelvic rotation and spinal flexion from head to tailbone, so that spine is stable. This deep contraction of your front flexors all at once compresses the intervertebral discs on the front of the spine resulting in a "massage" as you roll. Your lumbar spine receives fluid flow from core-supported flexion, which improves spinal stability and mobility.
Even if you are hesitant and just hold the balance position or feel silly rolling in class, remember: the skills used in spinal massages will provide nourishment and hydration to its surrounding tissues. Who doesn’t want more of that?
Monday, May 22nd @ 12PM with Nicole
My low back and hips are tight so advanced rolling exercises, like crab, are an achilles heel for this Pilates teacher. Let’s explore this playful yet challenging spinal massage the requires you to balance in the crown of your head (what!?) with helpful preparatory movements so you feel successful.
Wednesday, May 25th @ 8AM with Destinie
BYOR – Bring Your Own Requests.
Friday, May 27th @ 10AM with Destinie
Don’t miss the last of our pop-up series–MELTā“‡ into the Weekend! Today’s class will start with our mindfulness and breathwork. What will we notice today that’s different or the same from last week? We’ll also add one bonus MELTā“‡ move to address the backs of thighs and then finish up class with a Pilates flow.
Who’s looking for some interesting summer reading without the book report? Click here to check out some of Pilates in Common’s favorite mind-body reads.
Photo by: Toa Heftiba
The star exercise of this week is Crab and if you’ve ever done it before, you know it can feel a little like jumping off of the high dive. Whoops, did we say jumping? We meant diving. Crab involves the crown of your head–eek!
So, what’s a student to do if crab is just not in the cards, yet? Three options: 1) when in doubt, leave it out, 2) take it back to rolling-like-a-ball or seal, or 3) do what you can.
It’s important to experience the advanced exercises because seeing the light at the end of the tunnel puts the journey in perspective. The whole point of May’s theme, Russian Doll, is to use progressions to build students up to more advanced exercises.
Pilates should always meet you where you’re at. We encourage observation, experimentation, and, of course, imagination (it literally stimulates your motor cortex!). Oh, and questions!