Check out the letter “S” in different fonts.
The "S" curve of your spine is as unique as each of these fonts. Yes, we'd like the cervical spine to live in extension and the thoracic in flexion and the lumbar in extension, but due to nurture (your environment) and nature (your genes!), some of us have flatter curves (i.e., S - Lobster) than others, while some of us have curvier curves (i.e., S - Comic Sans MS).
When Pilates equipment is unavailable, how can we guide a variety of unique "S"-shaped spines to perform Pilates to the best of their abilities? The answer is props! Bands, towels, balls, pillows, and rollers – oh, my!
When we can't use Pilates equipment, props can help us simulate the resistance typically provided by springs, aiding our bodies in "connecting." They not only enhance the efficiency of our movements by activating inactive muscles but also support us when articulating against gravity's pull. Additionally, props provide feedback about what is moving and when.
Props are inexpensive and easy to store. Join us this month for our prop-themed classes and explore how a theraband can help your teaser or how Yoga blocks can improve your push-up.
This week, Mollie starts us off with Fluffy Felines!
Monday, July 3rd @ 12PM with Mollie:
J/k, but you know if I could clone my ragdoll Mochi (the white fluff-butt you see below), I would teach a "Pilates with Cats" class. Instead, we'll have to substitute with a good ol' water bottle. While some of you have accumulated quite the collection of props over the past couple of years, we'll be starting off the month with a humble water bottle. The closer to cat size, the better ;)
Wednesday, July 5th @ 8AM with Destinie:
BROR - Bring Your Own Requests! Want to add a prop to today’s class? Make the request!
Since July is our month of props, click the pic below to deep dive into how foam rolling can up your Pilates game.