Sunday Newsletter: 2023.10.01

sunday newsletters Oct 01, 2023
Online Pilates newsletter

Before we roll on with this awesome and info-packed newsletter, let's all take a sec to breathe deep. Inhale that fresh fall air right into the lungs, and then let it all go. And hey, scroll down to our deep-dive section for a podcast must-listen all about the diaphragm—that big ol' breathing muscle you need to know about.

October's here, and ready for a whole new theme for our Monday classes. Plus, we're bringing back a Friday summer fave, MELTⓇ into the Weekend.

This month, we're all about HEIGHT. That's right, how we move up, down, and all-around, playing with gravity. Whether you're figuring out how to plop down on your couch without that "ouch," or you wanna nail that stand-to-floor Pilates move, you won't wanna skip a single Monday in October.

Keep reading to learn how Nicole kicks off the month, diving into the world of walking. We're talking uphill battles on San Francisco’s streets and those simple strolls. Even on level ground, we're lifting and landing with every step. So, don't miss out.


Monday, October 2nd @ 12pm with Nicole:
Whether you aim to improve your daily walks, alleviate foot discomfort, or simply want to move with more grace and poise, this class is your gateway to mastering foot mechanics. Join Nicole to take a step towards a healthier, more confident, and mindful walking experience.

Wednesday, October 4th @8am with Destinie:
No class this week

Friday, October 6th @ 9am with Destinie:
MELTⓇ into the Weekend Back by popular demand for two exclusive Fridays! Designed to rehydrate your connective tissue, say goodbye to stiffness as you unlock greater flexibility and mobility. It's the perfect stress-buster, weekend mood-setter to cap off your week.

*Full-length foam roller required—we recommend this specific one, but any full-length roller that you can lie on from head to tail will do the job.*

*As always – if you can’t make it live for class, just sign up to receive the recording automatically.*


As Pilates instructors, we're always on the lookout for valuable insights to enhance your Pilates experience. We read, watch, and listen, then pass along what we've learned.

The latest episode focuses on the diaphragm, with fascia expert Jill Miller, a key component of our core and vital muscle for breathing. It also plays a significant role in posture and movement. Wondering how to take care of your diaphragm? If you're a Pilates in Common student, you already know the answer! Click on the picture to tune in—we think you'll find it worthwhile.