We love this time of year. Summer comforters are swapped out for winter ones. A sense of gratitude is in the air. But this time of year isn’t all fall colors and turtlenecks; it’s also Q4 deadlines, booked up weekends, and “oh, one more drink won’t hurt” even though you know it will.
In the midst of these seasonal shifts, have you considered what keeps you steady and balanced? Grounding is a key concept in achieving this balance. Essentially, it involves creating stability and focus in our lives and can be divided into two types:
🧠 Psychological Grounding: This is about finding mental stability and emotional clarity. It's a state of mindfulness where you're fully present in the moment, undisturbed by the chaos around you.
💪 Physiological Grounding: This refers to the physical aspect of grounding, where your body finds its natural rhythm and balance. It's about the connection between your physical being and your environment, promoting a sense of calm and stability.
Pilates uniquely bridges these two types of grounding. Each controlled movement and focused breath you take works towards this equilibrium. In Pilates, you're not just training your body; you're also cultivating a mental fortitude that stands firm against the bustling end-of-year hustle.
This week, we have not one, not two, but three fun ways for you to ground yourself psychologically and physiologically. Read on to learn more!
Monday, November 20th @ 12pm w/ Mollie:
The goal is simple: set aside this time for you so that you will be better equipped to tackle the week ahead! Let’s flow.
Wednesday, November 22nd @ 8am w/ Destinie:
No class this week. Join “Move Your Drumsticks” on Thursday!
Thursday, November 23rd @ 10am w/ Keegan and Destinie:
Join Keegan and Destinie for our annual “Move Your Drumsticks” Thanksgiving day community class! This year, we’re spicing things up and adding “wings” to the menu. Keegan will start off class with some juicy hip (aka, drumsticks) openers and strengtheners. Destinie follows with some shoulder (aka wings) stabilization and mobilization!
This class is donation-based. Give a little or just come to move! Sharing is caring, so send this link to your family and friends. Let’s get flappin’.
Props: canned cranberries (any canned goods) or 1-2 pound weights!
Stay grounded on your time with our online course Pilates in Your Pocket! Thanks to everyone who has already made their purchase. Your purchase subscribes you to an exclusive email sequence filled with Pilates tips, promotions, and free content. Course expires January 8th, 2024! The sooner you make it yours, the longer you have it for! Click the pic above to purchase!